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Friday, September 17, 2021

Foreign manpower: The most worrisome fault line in Singapore

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"You drive, you don't even take the MRT, you don't know what it is like!"

how wide the gulf seems to be, between the official line on this issue and the concerns of Singaporeans raised by MPs.

the fault line over different lived realities, evident in the debate on foreign talent and on other issues.

The problem arises when some local workers feel their lived realities do not gel with such stories, or that the official version makes light of their job fears and their struggles to make ends meet.

"lived realities on the ground could be very different to ours" - in effect acknowledging the gap in social reality that exists between legislators (including those from opposition parties) and the people they legislate for.

Different lived realities can create barriers in understanding that develop into policy blind spots on policymakers' part, and into personal prejudice and bias in individuals who then dismiss official narratives. When this happens, a gap of credibility and empathy develops between people and government.

Qn: Should decision-making be entirely in the hands of experts?