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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Paternity, maternity leave: Remove wide disparity, says activist

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the wide disparity between maternity and paternity leave reinforces the idea that raising children is primarily women's work

the disparity also goes against gender equality and affects mothers' career prospects

Currently, fathers get two weeks' paid paternity leave, while mothers get four months.

The issues of women's workforce participation and Singapore's low fertility rates boil down to one thing: the expectation that women, who are now educated and have careers, will continue to bear the brunt of the caregiving burden, as they did in the past

This expectation sets up a situation where women have to choose between their careers and their children.

the number of women in the workforce "goes downhill all the way" from the age of 30, when many women become mothers and stop work. Many do not return to the labour market when their children are older as they may have to care for their elderly parents, among other things.

In line with the idea that fathers should be equal parents or sometimes even stay-at-home parents, we should also amend the Women's Charter to equalise men's rights to seek maintenance from their wives

the total fertility rate fell to a "dangerously low" figure of 1.1 last year.


1. Should both parents take equal responsibility for raising their children? (Cam. 2019)

2. In your society, how far is equality for all a reality? (Cam. 2012)