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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Keen on green, but at what cost? Poll maps out S'porean attitudes to eco-friendliness

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all for living the eco-friendly life mapped out under the Singapore Green Plan 2030 - as long as it costs him nothing and does not inconvenience him.

All his appliances at home - from the television to the refrigerator to the washing machine - are water- and energy-efficient models that cost him more money. But that is a small sacrifice for the greater good

having more energy-efficient buildings and improving Singapore's resilience to the impact of climate change, such as by boosting local food production.

Singapore's lack of land for large solar farms and access to renewable energy sources as impeding its efforts to decarbonise its energy sector more rapidly.

Consider food security: Will people be willing to consume novel foods, such as plant-based and cultivated meat? As far as energy is concerned, will the public be willing to accept clean but controversial sources, such as nuclear energy?

 the higher costs of cleaner vehicles and the inconvenience in looking for charging points or waiting for the vehicle to charge up

"Climate action will not slow long-term growth, it is climate inaction that will exacerbate disasters and derail sustained growth."