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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Use of facial recognition to combat sex crimes in India sparks concerns

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Try compare with the recent controversy over how the TraceTogether data is used in Singapore to combat 7 types of serious crimes, where the usage of such data is regulated by law....

The idea is that since we have a computerised database of all perpetrators (related to sexual crimes), this data can be fed into the system. As and when any perpetrator comes within city limits, a red flag will be generated and the movement of the perpetrator monitored so that the same kind of crime is not committed.

The FRT (facial recognition technology) would detect and analyse the face, extract all information on that person and then reject them as a sexual offender. Through this process of elimination only will they be able to check for and identify sexual offenders entering the city of Lucknow. Thus, every person will be surveilled

Since we have no FRT regulation or data protection law in place, this... could lead to privacy violations and data breaches that people will have no knowledge of. This is because of the lack of transparency in how this technology is being used as well as an absence of any oversight body as far as we know.

Tracking known sexual offenders is a good idea. But they should not use it (for other purposes, such as) to target political opponents.

Qn: "Science and technology perpetuates inequality." Do you agree?