The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Mediacorp says sorry for portrayal of paedophile character in drama

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A useful local eg....Note how the media can perpetuate and cement stereotypes and biases against a certain group....
Regulations are meant to protect against unhealthy, undesirable influences; but they can also inadvertently demonize a particular group in the process.....
Make a distinguishment btw authentic portrayals and fake news -- smoking can cause cancer vs the insinutations on LGBT below:

"To our knowledge, there is no evidence that homosexual males have a greater propensity to offend against children than heterosexual males."The portrayal of gay men as paedophiles further perpetuates falsehoods that create further suffering among an already marginalised and stigmatised population." It also added that STDs can affect anyone and are "not confined to any gender identity, sexual orientation or behaviour".

According to guidelines by the Infocomm Media Development Authority, content on free-to-air television should not promote or justify the homosexual lifestyle.

For Qns on media, censorship and discrimination....