The Dark Shadow Shrine

embrace the darkness; that you may see the light nestled within it......

Monday, May 20, 2019

Law aims to tackle real problem of fakes

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If u r among those who did the hci prelim compre on the pervasiveness of lies recently, connect with this for the local context....

Most of what u need to know about POFMA (Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act) is here....

Singapore is a young nation-state with a small, multiracial and highly globalised population. Its high-profile success as a cohesive society comes with an existential risk: it will always be an attractive target for some; and it cannot discount the risk of an unfriendly state or non-state actors wanting to foment unrest here. 

the legislation allows ministers to decide what constitutes an online falsehood against the public interest.

fake WhatsApp images instigating riots, to bot-controlled Twitter and Facebook accounts swaying elections. The danger will be higher with deep-fakes - when images and voices of people can be manipulated, or created digitally and realistically, to make people seem to do or say whatever one wants.

requiring platforms to publish a correction, or to comply with a take-down order, over false statements of facts. Opinions are not covered. The Government has assured that only those who create fake content with ill-intent will face criminal sanction, not those who share it.

Qn: Real power lies with the one who controls the media.’ Comment.