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Thursday, March 07, 2019

Speaking up is not enough

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-International Women's Day

-#MeToo movement

-in a review of the Penal Code this year, the Singapore Government will finally repeal a marital immunity clause which previously allowed husbands to rape their wives.

-financial security gives women the power to be independent and to make decisions for themselves. Being able to reach the top of their professions gives them the power to make decisions that affect other women. But, in Singapore, women still earn less than men, with the gender pay gap of about 20 per cent remaining unchanged over the past decade. More women than men also drop out of the workforce or put their careers on hold, to look after children or ageing parents.
-Council for Board Diversity has been set up, with the President of Singapore Halimah Yacob as its patron, to get 20 per cent female representation on Singapore-listed boards by 2020, up from the current 15.2 per cent.

-Some think the equality pendulum has swung too far the other way. Several men have told me they feel women are now being promoted - instead of them - just because they are women.
Qn: “It is a good time to be a woman.” How far is this true of the world today?