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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Women try to look 'filthy' to avoid harassment by S. Korean director

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Relate this to the Me Too Movement involving sexual harassment...

Note also the role of the media here as the watchdog to redress injustice, esp against powerful influential people and organization -- a case of David vs the Goliath....
But note how this can be abused in what has been called 'trial by the media' instead of by the court....In the event if the accused is actually innocent, then the media would have been guilty of a miscarriage of justice since everyone should be presumed innocent until proven guilty by the court....To expose it in the media and condemned the accused as guilty before the court has even said anything can be unfair to the accused as the resultant defamation can destroy people's career and life...Only when the judiciary is corrupt can this trial by the media be justified, as in the case of high profile rapes cases in India where the rapists were eventually sentenced to death when the media applied pressure on a judiciary which is discriminatory towards women. (women in India have low social status, particularly those form low social caste, and the court tend sto be lenient towards the rapists)

Sometimes, a gag order is imposed on the media by the court to prevent people from discussing it and the media from reporting it so that it would not prejudice the delivery of justice. This is a case in point where censorship of the media may be justified in the name of justice.

"the truth is revealed through an official legal procedure, not through a court of public opinion".