The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Singaporean ISIS fighter appears in another ISIS video, shown executing a man

Click HERE

A common argument about the effect of the internet and susceptibility to the internet is that this happens because people are ignorant and uneducated, so they can get brainwashed easily. This is based on the idea that if u are well-educated, there will be stuff inside your brain that will counter and expose the lies propagated by the terrorists.  But we see here in this article that this is not a guarantee, esp since it is not so easy to tell right vs wrong for certain issues, esp if the lies are packaged in a convincing manner and wrapped up in religious cloak.....

"Singaporeans may think we are educated, but even people in our particular day and age, given exposure to extremist ideology, can be influenced to such an extent... where they can so dehumanise other people not seen to be part of their circle that they can just murder them in cold blood," he said.