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Thursday, October 06, 2016

National Gallery wins big at tourism awards

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Now that it's mentioned in the media, I think it's quite 'safe' to use it as an example in ur essay regarding the National Gallery Singapore's ability to attract tourists.....
-- The breakthrough award was for the National Gallery's role in "helping to cement Singapore's position as one of Asia's leading art hubs, adding to the vibrancy of Singapore's tourism landscape",

Note correction to the figure I gave in class....annual tourist arrivals have hit about 15million, about three times the population of Singapore (5.61million in the latest report)
Last year, visitor arrivals grew a modest 0.9 per cent to 15.2 million, while tourism receipts fell below expectations, dipping 6.8 per cent to an estimated $22 billion

Recall the tourism compre/AQ we did where there's a point on how local culture became commercialised and inauthentic as a result of is a local rebuttal example:
Attractions also have to showcase Singapore's heritage in an authentic way, said Mr Rajakumar. "In Little India, you don't see modernised buildings, and everything happens on the streets. You can see the trades, such as garland-makers and goldsmiths," he said. This helped the precinct attract a record 3.4 million visitors during last year's Deepavali celebrations, he said.

Note how the IR and F1 have redefined the tourism game for us, positioning us to attract the high spenders rather than competing on price to attract tourists....
Mr Kiong said STB's strategy of pursuing high-yield tourists pits Singapore against the likes of Paris, Tokyo and London. "We're not competing on price, or against Bangkok or Bali, any more," he said.
"The integrated resorts were game-changers. So were the Formula One races. But what's next?"

Qn: Is it worth spending large sums of money on the arts in your society? (ACJC Prelim 2016)