The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bradxit: London's Madame Tussauds separates Jolie and Pitt wax figures

Click HERE

A witty take on Brexit!!!
A useful exampe for Opening or Closing BANG or as an example in ur PEEL ....

Anyway, the coupling of Brangelina has always been useful for GP, right from the example of Brad Pitt allegedly cheating on Jennifer Aniston (extra-marital affair), to the glamourizing of an alternative family structure of cohabitation with children (including adopted ones from various nationalities) (they 'live in sin' for 12 years before succumbing to marriage which lasted only 2 years), and now the inevitable divorce that is characteristic of showbusiness celebrities in Hollywood, resulting in single parenthood.
Being a popular celebrity couple confers much glamour and social nods to the various family structures that they go on to adopt, serving to redefine what social norms constitute...

Qn: â€˜Traditional marriage is an outdated concept.’ To what extent is this true of 
your society? (Cam. 2014)