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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Compre Question TYPE 2

1. Trump claims China 'raping' US with unfair trade policy (click HERE)
2. Ex-House Speaker calls Ted Cruz 'Lucifer' (click HERE)

still remember the compre qn type 2? let's comes with any of these three phrasings:
a) what does 'XXX' reveals/suggests/implies...?
b) what is the effect of using 'XXX'?
c) Why does the writer use 'XXX'?

Why does Trump use the word 'raping' to describe US's trade relations with China?
What is the effect on the voters when the ex-House Speaker labels Ted Cruz 'Lucifer'?
What does the use of the word' Lucifer' suggest about Ted Cruz or the writer's attitude towards him?

ANSWER TYPE: usually would include some of the following:
--emphasise (... )
--meaning of 'XXX' (direct vs implied)
--reader's feelings (what they want readers to feel)
--writer's feelings (what feelings/attitude/bias of their own that they want to reveal to the reader; could be either intentional or unintentional)
--context under discussion

Possible answers:
Trump uses the word 'raping' as he wants to emphasize the unjustness of China exploiting or taking advantage of the US in trade relations; to make the reader feel that China is the bad guy blah blah blah so that they will vote for him; to register the writer's disapproval/criticisms of China

The main idea to note here is that when a writer uses certain word(s), they do so DELIBERATELY to create certain meaning or effect that they want to achieve. Your job is to realise this and then EXPLAIN what is the intentions they have behind their choice of word(s).....