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Friday, March 11, 2016

Articles on how S'pore is greening itself...

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1) How-trees-can-cut-your-air-con-bill
Note that technically speaking Gardens by the Bay and other gardens and parks are man-made, i.e. not natural. So you can't use them to argue the point about preserving the natural habitat of fauna, and the idea of retaining biodiversity.
But they do help Mother Nature/environment in the sense that they contribute to fighting global warming, in three ways: 1) by absorbing greenhouse gases 2) cooling effect generated when water evaporated from their leaves 3) resulting cooling effect means air-con doesn't have to work so hard to cool your room, so less energy consumed, hence energy conserved, hence less greenhouse gases emitted from power station
Note other uses of greenery:
Besides cooling the air and being home to wildlife, it relaxes the mind and acts as a natural noise barrier.
"It even acts as an effective flood alleviation mechanism," he added, citing the ability of vegetation to retain water.

2) Buildings-can-play-part-in-green-fight

Qn: In your society, how well are the demands of the economy and the environment balanced? (Cam. 2015)