The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Friday, October 09, 2015

Afghan rapper escaped teen marriage by singing about it

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A interesting eg of a 16-yo girl who used music to get out of the 'prison' imposed by her tradition....

An interview aired on BBC World Service recently also mentioned an interesting anecdote about how some girls in Afghanistan marry carrying a doll clutched in their hands (makes for an interesting BANG!).....While funny, it is highly disturbing as it highlights how young these girls are, and how the traditional practice of child brides is a problem in such developing countries...
This issue on child brides is useful for qns on rights, gender, harms of traditions and culture,...For those who have done the 2012 'A' level compre on music, the role of music in this case of the Afghan rapper also makes for an interesting discussion -- how music creates awareness and is a reflection of our reality as artists mine the real world for inspiration in their art works.....

1) 'A little rebellion every now and then is a good thing.' Comment on the validity of this proposition. (DHS Prelim 2015)
2) Discuss the claim that in the modern world people should care more about international than national issues. (Cam. 2014)
3) 'For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.' How true is this of your society? (Cam. 2014)