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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Filipino gets four months' jail for inflammatory posts

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A recent example of inflammatory posts online that can get the person into trouble with the law...think Sedition Act and Racial Harmony Act. 'Predecessors' of this Filipino includes Amy Cheong and Anton Casey....all lost their jobs and fled to Australia in shame, but this Filipino got to face the jail sentence first.....Earlier on got this case of the TRS (The Real Singapore) website that got into trouble too for fanning xenophobic tendencies....apparently, the newspaper reported that they are now selling ramen in NUS!!!
Bring in the tyranny of minority and filter bubble argument if u can...The Filipino's views gives us the impression that all Filipinos are like this, and this triggered a backlash online from Singaporeans against Filipinos ...BUT the larger Filipinos in Singapore in the REAL world are NOT like that....and the backlash campaign by Singaporeans online do NOT represent the majority of Singaporean's attitude towards the Filipinos here....

For those who had just done the 2007 TJC Compre AQ on Freedom of Speech and the media, look at this Filipino case in the context of how the freedom of speech exercised by the Filipino online to say nasty things online can trigger the other netizens (in this case, Singaporeans) to exercise their freedom of speech also to attack the Filpino...The net result is chaos on both sides, and there are no winners....

Qn: Do you agree that social media has given rise to a more divided world? (TJC Prelim 2015)