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Thursday, February 05, 2015

Obama hits on new tack for online audience

This article brings to mind a few features of the internet:
- it depends on the willingness of the viewer
-it preaches only to the converts
-unlike traditional media where the info comes to you, yu have to go to the info where social media is concerned
-it is a 'confirmation bias machine'; i.e. people go online not to seek new views or change their views, but to reinforce or confirm the view they already have
-it's not really that easy to change people's view online, contrary to what most people think (people either don't care about what u have to say, or they already have deeply held views of the other camp, so they won't even bother to visit your site that propounds a contrary view, and even if they by accident landed on your site, they will just exit without reading what's there, or they won't believe what they've read there.....

Do take note that the social media or the internet is not that powerful as most people have made it out to be, due to the above points.....

All the above points actually gravitate towards the same idea, that when it comes to social media, willingness on the part of the viewer is paramount.
What Obama is doing here is something interesting, reaching out to those online who are NOT even interested in politics in the first place. This is because he knows that those online who are interested in politics have already formed their opinions and it is difficult to convert them if they already in the other camp. So he's left with only those who are not even interested in politics in the first place, hoping to get them on his side. But the question is, if they are not even interested in politics, why would they listen to him? This will all boil down to the charms of the politician, I suppose.....

1. To what extent are the youth of your society interested in politics?
2. To what extent does social media have an impact on the politics of your country?