The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, October 07, 2014

When Govts become 'Murderers'

A useful article to show how POLITICAL WILL is crucial and needed before problems can be solved.
Sometimes, the solutions are actually available (eg the technology is already there) but it is politics that hinders the eradication of the problem, as politicians drag their feet over petty internal politicking or other politically sensitive implications.
Another case in point is how the Indonesian govt take its time to ratify the ASEAN Transboundary Haze Pact (which it eventually did recently) even as other member countries like Singapore and Malaysia are willing to chip in to help.
And in the mean time, people will continue to die from the Ebola virus, and the forests will continue to burn, and we will continue to suffer from the haze. Incidentally, the haze reached its peak yesterday at PSI 153.