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Monday, April 28, 2014

Celebrity and Autism

Sat morning class, here's the article I mentioned about vaccination in relation to the compre AQ u did...
Relate this article to:
-celebrity influence (connect also to the 2013 'A' level compre on celebrity and fame)
-media's role in spreading rumours
-reliability of scientific research in the example of vaccination

Regarding Qn 4 below, the controversy around whether there is a link between vaccination of children and autism has been proven to be unfounded. Apparently, it is due to a doctor (Andrew Wakefield) who did a study using fraudulent data. This triggered fear-mongering, which was exacerbated by the media's involvement -- and of course celebrities like Jenny McCarthy in the article below. The doctor has since been discredited and there was allegedly a money motive involved to sue the vaccine makers. Hence, vaccination is seemingly contradicting as it is supposed to protect children by inoculating them, yet accused of endangering their health by causing them to develop autism. Now we can argue that this is unfair because there is fabrication and foul play involved.

1. Does the mass media misguide the public?
2. Should we treat our celebrities any differently from any other person? (NJC Prelim 2010)
3. Style matters, not substance. Is this an accurate assessment of society today?
4. 'Scientific research into health and diet is unreliable as it so often contradicts itself.' Is this a fair comment? (Cambridge 2013)