The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Special Privileges of the Malays in Singapore

A good example under the Singapore's context.....Under our Constitution, the Malays, being the original people of this land (i.e. not immigrants or descendants thereof), are granted special rights and privileges. Plough through the article to get an idea of what some of these are....To some extent, these can be seen as affirmative actions to help those in need, a form of positive discrimination. Malaysia is doing this also, as seen in their bumiputera policies that favour the Malays. But the bumiputera policies have been under criticisms. Likewise, most societies practise some form of affirmative policies (i.e. discriminate in favour of a particular group) in order to give them a leg up.

Sample Qns:
1. All forms of discrimination are undesirable. Do you agree?
2. Many developed countries are paying increasing attention to the needs of the disadvantaged. How far is this true in Singapore? (Cambridge 2008)