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Friday, June 14, 2013

Celebrity Influence

Pertaining to earlier links on the same topic (see HERE & HERE), here's another recent event, where celebrities are mobilized for a worthy cause. Note the point that celebrities are crucial to catch the attention of the viewers, a challenging task today given that so many things are competing for our attention, given the multitude of media platforms that are constantly bombarding us.

Interesting to note also that the event was sponsored by Gucci, which could not be a better symbol for consumerism. But here, we see consumerism ( as epitomised by luxury brand Gucci) working for the betterment of society. It's almost like businesses going green and giving back to society. See the link HERE that sings the reverse tune about how consumerism is all about exploitation in its quest for profit maximization.

Sample Qn:
Nowadays, we get our values and ideals from celebrities. Does this cause more harm than good?