The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Sutff on HUMOUR

For those who have done the HUMOUR compre/essay, here are some related links which make for good examples:

1) Video clips on local funny man and drag queen, Kumar. Be forewarned! Can be offensive; not for the faint-hearted!
Link 1 (on foreign talent)
Link 2 (racist jokes Part 1)
Link 3 (racist jokes Part 2)
Link 4 (racist jokes Part 3)

2) Prophet Mohamed
(a)Link 5 (background on the controversial film "The Innocence of Muslims" last year that was disrespectful of Islam )

(b)The following 3 links are on the Danish Cartoons controversy:
- Article on the violence triggered by the Prophet Muhammad Cartoon
- Dog (the pic that started it all!)
- Comic Strips (including Prophet as terrorist)

(c)Click HERE for the South Park cartoon controversy concerning Prophet Muhammad

3) King of Thailand and US Political Figures
-Thai King with monkey face and feet in face
-Write-up on Thai King video clip controversy
-Ex-President George W. Bush

4) The latest one on Margaret Thatcher: