The Dark Shadow Shrine

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More on the Internet....

Walk away from the article with:
1) Socrates' comment on the internet (good for BANGing)
2) the kind of person we have become due to the internet e.g. dumb? which includes the pros and cons of the internet
3) the 3 characteristic features of the internet (decentralised, anonymous, user-driven) and their attendant pros and cons. For other characteristic features, click HERE. (note: 'user-driven' and 'content-creator' are the same)
4) one important characteristic feature/disadvantage of the internet: our tendency to gravitate towards like-minded individuals, which can encourages fragmentation into virtual enclaves that thrive on prejudice, bigotry and racist attitudes or narrow views. (potential rebuttal to the point that the internet widens our horizons and alleviate bias) This point can also be given a positive twist as extremist groups (or any groups for that matter) who wish to convert people's views online thru online propaganda are likely to have limited success since they will attract and influence only those 'like-minded' ones who bother to seek and read what they have put up online. See HERE,

Sample Qns:
To what extent has technology had a negative impact on the skill levels of people?

article 1a
article 1b