The Dark Shadow Shrine

If u need coaching in GP or 'O' level English, u can reach me at 91384570. In Singapore only hor....Scan QR code in profile pic for testimonials by ex-students.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Working from Home -- pros and cons

Further to an earlier post on working from home being banned by Yahoo (see HERE), here's a follow-up article detailing some of the pros and cons associated with telecommuting. An interesting point made is how working at home makes you lose out on the 'workplace camaraderie' which can impact team work/spirit as well allegiance or loyalty to the company. This is important given the climate today of job-hopping(esp among young workers) and budget-tightening measures faced by companies. The way to get workers and talent to stay and stick with the company through thick and thin, esp during economic downturns, is to make them feel a sense of loyalty to the company. Telecommuting does not help to achieve this.

Sample Qn: Consider the view that most work these days could and should be done from home. (2010)