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Monday, April 01, 2013

Kindness Movement in Singapore : Are We Selfish?

Relate to the kiasu-ism phenomenon in Singapore, which is actually a kind of survival mechanism for Singapore in the first place, given our lack of natural resources and shortage of manpower. This relentless pursuit for Number 1s can be said to have contributed to our selfish mentality, as we pursue our goals zealously to the exclusion of all else. Only a thin line separates kiasu and unkind.
Pertaining to Qn 2 below, note that progress need not be seen only in economic terms, but can have a moral dimension to it, i.e. social progress (think gracious society). This kind of progress need not be at the expense of Mother Nature, but on the contrary, calls for the protection of Mother Nature. Gandhi's view that the greatness of a nation lies in the way it treats its weakest members, also rings true here. A truly great nation, one which is said to be on the path to progress, is one that also looks after the welfare of the animals (which are part of Mother Nature) whose existence are threatened by man's activities.
Note also the fabulous quote in the article below that 'the chain is only as strong as its weakest link'.
This goes in line with Singapore's aim to forge a strong nation by ensuring an inclusive society by strengthening social cohesion and narrowing the income gap.

Sample Qns:
1. 'Young people today have only selfish desires.' Discuss.
2. 'The environment must be sacrificed for progress.' To what extent do you agree with this statement?